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2023-07-04 22:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、You made a bad mistake on that jump shot.那次跳投你犯了一个很大的错误。

2、Don't jump up and rush off, but mingle your mindfulness with everyday life.不要跳起来就跑走,让你的正念与日常生活融合。

3、She has to jump in the water.她没有能没有跳进水里。

4、I say this jump was preemptive.我说这样跳叫是先发制人的。

5、May I jump in for two pages?可不可以让我先印两页。

6、He dared me to jump over the stream他激我跳过那条小溪。

7、To stay fit physically, do a morning stretch routine, jump on a trampoline, or take a 2-mile walk.在身体上来说,习惯性地做一些晨练,跳蹦床,或者走两公里的路程。

8、Jump over one ball or a row of balls of the same color with a ball of different color.跳了一球的颜色相同或不同的颜色与一球一球的行中。

9、It is dangerous to jump off a moving train火车在行驶时跳下来是很危险的。

10、One of the best ways to cool off on a hot summer day is to jump into a swimming pool.在炎热的夏天,最好的降温方法之一是跳进游泳池。

11、If you jump a queue, the people will not be pleased.如果你插队的话,人们会不高兴的。

12、The Skipjack stood a long time considering; at last people thought that he could not jump at all.跳鹅站着沉思了好一会儿;最后大家就认为它完全不能跳。 “我希望它没有生病!”

13、I tried to jump up, but I could not stir a limb, then I yelled aloud in a frenzy of fright.我试图跳起来,可是我四肢动弹不得,然后我在惊骇中大声喊叫起来。

14、The ski jump is clad with a mesh of stainless steel and rises 58 meters in the air.跳台是由不锈钢网格建成,并上升至空中58米高。

15、The jump in the sound is inaudible, tail was still intermittently toggle.跳跃的声音听不见了,尾巴好像还在断断续续地拨动。

16、We set sail and explore and run and jump all day我们航行,我们探索,一整天又唱又跳。

17、The virus could jump from civet cats to humans through continuous mutation.该病毒可透过不断变种,由果子狸传往人类。

18、I can't jump any higher.我没法跳得更高了。

19、To jump over in or as if in leapfrog.在或象在跳背游戏中那样跳过

20、Looking different is a great way to jump start a ho-hum day.给自己打扮打扮(看起来不同)是给平淡的日子充充电的好办法。

21、He dared me to jump over the river他激我跳过河。

22、Can you jump over the fence?你能跳过那个栅栏吗?

23、You're not behind, jump in right now, sign up here.你没有落后于其他人,赶快加入吧!来这儿签到!

24、I almost did myself a mischief when I tried to jump across a stream我在试图跳过溪水时差一点受了伤。

25、I especially love the long jump and the high jump.我尤其喜欢跳远和跳高。

26、Teacher says:Look, the killer whale can jump out of the water.课件呈现虎鲸跳出海面的过程。

27、High jump: The field event in which athletes attempt to jump over a bar.跳高:田赛项目,运动员尽力跳越横杆。

28、Jump sb. out把某人痛骂一顿

29、Rapp was considering a bungee jump himself during an upcoming summer trip to Norway.Rapp正考虑在即将到来的夏天去挪威蹦极呢。

30、Don't jump in if they're doing a certain activity and you think they're doing it wrong.当孩子在进行某项活动而你认为他们做得不对时,不要打断他们。

jump翻译n. 跳跃, 跳动, 暴涨, 惊跳vt. 跳跃, 跃过, 突升, 使跳跃vi. 跳跃, 跳, 跳动, 暴涨【计】 转移, 跳转【经】 暴涨, 猛增, 非法侵占(采矿权)相关词组: jump at s 详情




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